Last night I spent ages looking for eyes to embroider. Once I found some that I thought might be suitable, I got the bright idea to download the demo version of Embird, just in CASE I might need to make some adjustments. Now that was an experience. I had to figure out how to turn off my virus scanner and change the approval options in Windows.
You know how it goes when you are trying to do something on the computer with some semblance of a timeline in mind. I really wanted to get all of this stuf downloaded, check out my eyeball designs, and then do a test piece. So, that hateful thing that usually happens to my computer when I have a schedule - well, it happened! In the middle of the demo download and set-up, my computer decided that it needed to restart because of the changes. That confused my computer and it froze for a while. Once it finally re-booted, I couldn't connect to the web to begin the download again. FINALLY, around 9pm, I got all the stuff downloaded and was doing an install. You guessed it - error message! Long and short of the story, I finished a test block around 11pm.
Tonight I decided that the eyeballs I had embroidered last night were too small. Back to the drawing board, resizing and testing. But, Houston, we have lift-off! Lookee, Lookee! Two of my owls now have eyeballs that won't be hazardous to babies!
Those owls are adorable, and I think you chose the perfect eyes for them! As far as all the computer stuff....I'm so technologically challenged that I'd probably just have forgotten
ReplyDeletethe whole thing! I don't even own a computerized sewing machine because I KNOW I'd mess it up! LOL! Hope everything works out great and you get the quilt finished in time for the shower, but if not, don't will definitely be LOVED!